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Chinese translation for "common council"


Related Translations:
council:  n.1.议事〔行政,参议,立法〕机构;委员会;理事会;公会。2.【宗教】宗教[教法]会议;〔美国〕地方工会代表会议。3.计议,协商,讨论;〔美国〕忠告,劝告。短语和例子a cabinet council(内)阁(会)议:a municipal [city] council市政参议会。 a common council〔美国〕市[镇]参议会。 a county council
parish council:  〔英国〕农村教区会。
british council:  英国(对外)文化协会。
county council:  郡议会。
council school:  〔英国〕(市政议会主办的)公立小学校。
town council:  镇议会。
aulic council:  短语和例子【历史】1.神圣罗马帝国枢密院。2.旧德帝国的枢密院会议。
council board:  会议桌;(正在进行的)会议。
student council:  (大学与中学中之)学生会。
security council:  (联合国的)安全理事会。
Example Sentences:
1.The dogs of an ardent young sportsman like rostov were only just coming into fit state for hunting , so that at a common council of the huntsmen it was decided to give the dogs three days rest , and on the 16th of september to go off on a hunting expedition , beginning with dubravy , where there was a litter of wolves that had never been hunted
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